Archive for March 31st, 2008

Akward Behavious We Need To Change!!!

Posted on March 31, 2008. Filed under: Butdoisay TRUE STORIES |


Dear readers, as a living human being I know there are some behavious that one does not like, from friends, relatives or other human beings. I will mention some that you might agree with me are akward behavious.

Eating Behavious: Have you ever been across some friends or relatives that eat with their mouth open, hence making some funny weird noise with their mouth as if they are playing ping pong. This is one sound that irritates me, can one explain how to help them avoid this behaviour?

Speaking Behavious:This happens  quite often, some friends, while speaking, come too close with their mouths wide open, and you can smell some home brewed drink, onions, corriander leafs (dania), and “kitungu sumu”, but they dont realize it.

Laughing behavious:Friends who laugh loud hence disrupting the peace of other passengers, in buses or trains. It makes other passenger loose concentration on reading or listening to their ipods in a better manner.

Gossiping:This is the most akward behaviour that we go through everyday,its a hobby to others, they sometimes can kill others even before whoever kills does, dont know if its God or the Devil, who takes our lives. They can start exposing who is sick and who is not, you know so and so is sick, she/he is Hiv positive, do you know that so and so is divorcing, and the gossips goes on and on….we need to stop theses nonsense, stop judging others.

Sneezing behavious:When you see some people sneezing, you might think bees are escaping from a beehive. You would see dry food particles on your tie the next day and wonder where they came from, its from your friend who does not block his mouth while sneezing dear, not from the birds flying above. Always try to block your mouth while sneezing..

Spitting behaviour:I can admitt I do this after eating, but either in a flower garden or a place with a lot of soil, whereby I can cover the saliva, unlike you who spits on a dry surface and leaves the saliva hanging, always try to cover up the evidence of what you consumed….like I always do…..butdoisay….

Please add more akward behavious that we need to change…butdoisay..

Clay Onyango.

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