Archive for March 3rd, 2008

Prayers Contributes To All Positive Solutions…

Posted on March 3, 2008. Filed under: Butdoisay TRUE STORIES |

May I just touch abit on prayers, I am one of those christians who though not so religious,  do believe that God listens to our prayers and most of the time, he answers them in different ways. I have had occassions whereby I have asked God to help me out when I had problems that I never thought I would overcome, and I can assure you, they were all answered.

There is no doubt at all that prayers contributed to the peaceful solution in Kenya, prayers contributed to the international pressure that was imposed on our politicians in Kenya, prayers also contributed to Koffi Annans long stay in Kenya, and I also observed that before any meetings  between Kibaki and Raila that was mediated by Annan, they did always start with prayers before anything alse, why? Because they both had faith that it was only with prayers, that they would come up with a peaceful solution.

Its so difficult to see when God has answered your prayers, probably because we ask for too much, keep in mind that if God has not listened to your prayers, there must be a reason why, and all you need to do is repent. I believe you can repent by praying and not neccessarily repent by going to church, ask God for forgiveness every time you go to bed and thank him every time you wake up…and surely, he will forgive you. I have really good true stories that were answered through prayers and I can only narrate them if I hear some of your stories that you believe were achieved through prayers….so please write why you think prayers work for every positive situation, and please note, am not saved, but I do believe in prayers…..and I am saying!!!!!…

Clay Onyango.

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