Harder for Immigrants To Get Jobs In Sweden.

Posted on March 14, 2009. Filed under: 1 |

Academics who are born outside Sweden have a smaller chance of getting a job than those who are Swedish born, according to a report from TCO. The study looks at those who were born outside Sweden but moved here when they were under seven years of age and  fininished studying in 2003.

The report states that of people of the same age, the same education and who live in the same part of Sweden, those born outside Sweden are twice as likely to have a salary of under SKr 20,000 than those born in Sweden.

Furthermore the study reveals that those born outside Sweden more often study courses in the health sector, engineering or science, which lead to qualified jobs and they search for jobs more intensively. This means that they should have a stronger position on the market.

The report concludes that the results are partly due to discrimination and partly to a lack of qualified networks.

By Miss Mbova.

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